Herewith I respectfully submit for the consideration of the Board of Directors and Membership of HEGGA, INC a Proposal on the status of Associate Members, hereinafter known as "slaves".
Slaves must supply transportation to all official HEGGA activities for any HEGGA member that requires it. The slave must also be willing to drive members to and from the weekly feasting. (Slaves without vehicles are completely disallowed from HEGGA membership, because anyone lacking both a car and net.access is clearly not a 90's sort of person. The only exceptions are for slaves that can prove they are time travelers from before 1920.)
In the case of a vote on change of meeting time for HEGGA (Handbook Of Operating Procedures, Chapter 18, page 834) slaves do not have a voice. Slaves do not have a vote in New Member applications. A Slave's wishes are not taken into account when deciding who GMs for a session. Slaves just don't count, OK?
Slaves must have at least one good restaurant suggestion each week, and that restaurant must NOT be the one visited the prior week. Once per month, if slaveship lasts that long, the slave must suggest a restaurant not already tried by HEGGA. Should HEGGA decide to sample the slave's suggested cuisine and it not comply with the exacting culinary standards established by HEGGA, the slave will immediately be expelled from HEGGA and blackballed for life.
Other than making suggestions, slaves do not get a voice in which restaurant is chosen for the week. This is an extension to the Slaves Don't Count provision detailed above.
Slaves must loan food money to any HEGGA member that turns up suddenly short on cash at dinner. The terms of the loan will be those high and trustworthy standards as detailed in Chapter 666, page 83474, of the Handbook Of Operating Procedures.
Any slave with living quarters large enough must make those quarters available for all official HEGGA activities. The slave will ensure that the refrigerator and food pantries are stocked with sufficient provisions to feed the starving mass that is HEGGA. Even if HEGGA plays somewhere else, the slave must bring some food and drink for the play session.
Slaves may NOT bring guests to a play session unless the slave is GM for that session. Although full HEGGA members who are GMing are allowed wided latitude with respect to bring guests (see the Handbook Of Operating Procedures, Chapter 92, page 3943), guests of the slave are subject to immediate scrutiny by the HEGGA Board of Directors. Guests of slaves may be denied entry for any reason whatsoever.
All characters played by the slave are only allowed 75% of the standard point alloment for the campaign or scenario. For example 75pts in a 100pt campaign, 187pts in a 250pt campaign.
Characters created by slaves may only be created from rules in Basic or GURPS supplements owned by the slave. If the slave doesn't own a book required for the game, it is suggested that the GM use the slave for to play NPCs or as a rules assistant. Optionally, the GM may loan that player the book if he or she desires. GMs are free to require the slave to do whatever boot-licking, ass-kissing and brown-nosing appropriate.
When a GM wishes to limit the number of players for a play session, full Members have priority over slaves. Slaves may only play if there are slots left unfilled by full Members. In the spirit of good sportmanship, full members should not take up slots in limited-player sessions if they have a genuine interest, and not simply to keep slaves from playing.
Slaves do not take a seat at the gaming table untill HEGGA has choosen their seats first. If a HEGGA member shows up late and desires a slave's seat, the slave must promply give up their seat.
At bathroom and food breaks, slaves must go to the end of any line that forms. All full members get to eat, pee and take dumps before slaves.
At the end of a play session, slaves are responsible for picking up the trash and, if necessary, rearranging the room like we found it. It is strongly suggesteed that slaves bring a good scraping tool in case of candlewax spills.
If there is a post-mortem grousing session, slaves will usually be too busy cleaning up to participate, and even if they're not they don't get to grouse anyway. They may, however, cheer and huzzah the GM along with the full Membership, as long as it doesn't detract from cleaning duties.
Steven E. Newton
Secretary & Founding Member
Houston Electronically Gathered GURPS Alliance