You're probably asking yourself right now, "What the hell did that mean? 'Radishes go to paradise unless they take illegal drugs?'"
Well, it's even weirder than that.
Y'see, one of the oldest in-jokes in HEGGA is to describe a critical failure on a skill roll (in GURPS) as something involving a banana: "You see a banana," "You don't get the safe open, but you do find a banana!," and so on. (The first occurence was in checking to see if an NPC was carrying a weapon).
Now, "Houston Electronically Gathered GURPS Alliance" turns out to be, appropriately enough, an anagram for "Toll our crude elegy: plantain sight cancels a hero." (Don't ask how we found that out).
And that anagram, rendered into impressive-sounding Latin (and as grammatically checked by our own Classics stud, Chepe Lockett), now stands as our HEGGA motto.
You didn't really need to know all that, did you? Go on back to our home page and gibber nicely.