HEGGA Members
These are our own home pages: please check us out.
- The GURPSorium,
a big list of conversions,
- Michael Bowman's
comprehensive advantage, disadvantage, and skill lists,
- John Chapman's PK
Institute GURPS pages,
- "Incanus" (of Croatia!) has a wide assortment of interesting
GURPS files.
- Dan Frohlich's page,
featuring his excellent Net
GURPS spellbook and vehicles
- J. Hunter Johnson wrote up
some splendid clarifications on PC use of cryptography,
and has a more comprehensive list of GURPS
links than we could hope to accumulate,
- Dr. Kromm
has some material available, and is a great guy in general,
- S. John Ross' Blue
Room pages.
- Phil
Masters' excellent rules for
- Tracy Ratcliff's interesting
vehicles page,
- T.Bone's GURPS Gulliver.
- Excellent adventure logs from Elizabeth McCoy's
& Burrows game.
- The Negative
Space archive with miscellaneous files,
- Not to mention the
GURPS-Net FTP site.
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