
GURPS where? when?

Steven E. Newton <snewton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu> says playing at my house
in Montose is okay with him.

ma690188@mbcr.bcm.tmc.edu (R. Mark Adams) asks:
Are there any other places for study-type stuff on the campus?

Hmmmm.  I would think so.  I'll call around today and see if I can't
get something figured out.  Let's plan on meeting a Valhalla then.
When did we decide?  Was it at 6:00pm?  Of was it 7:00pm?

Steven E. Newton <snewton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu> also mentioned:
Also, It seems to me that
Chris is closer to being ready to GM than Chepe, but I guess that's based on
Chris having had a printed flyer for his plan.  Also it just happens that
I've had better luck coming up with a character idea for it.  I'll have to
think a bit more for Virgilius.  Hmmmm....

Well, actually, I'm not even close.  And I'll be out of town next weekend,
so I won't get a chance to work on it for next Mon.  Maybe the week after.

It is my desire that we actually play GURPS the next Mon.  Even if it's
only for a few hours.  I can imagine that we'll still be working on
characters for some of the campaigns, but hopefully part of the time
can be set aside for actually playing.

BTW, our computers have been acting up. So, just in case, would someone
please call me at 527-7850 ext. 3504 at 5:00pm today and tell me
what's up.  (Dial the first 7 digits, wait for the ringing to stop, dial
the 4 digit extention.)  You must have a touch tone phone for the
ext. to work.

See y'all tonight!!!

Chepe, did you call Duke?  You better had!  I didn't.
Christopher Owen Miller | Until I see, I won't believe, show it to me,
com@spacsun.rice.edu    | I want to see your halo.    --alt.rct