
Re: gurps

Dear Steve,

     Good to get your letter!  We're a bit short of GURPS players on
this end too, what with Rice students slogging along through finals.
There MAY be some more activity come the summer (Rice holds Commencement
May 2, I believe), and I hope to be more active then and next year.

     Some folks at Wiess residential college have been making noises
about a Swashbuckler campaign, using English or Dutch pirates in the
1640's (Cromwellian) Caribbean making life difficult for the Spanish,
but it's either slow getting started or is stillborn.  I'm hoping for
better news, again, come the summer.  Also a few plans on that end
for a Modern Horror campaign, or a (as the GM describes it) "near-future
theological thriller" (??!!).  I myself have a couple crabbed pages of
notes for a Fantasy Rome campaign (to be considerable aided by today's
purchase of the newly-released GURPS: Imperial Rome....), but that, again,
wouldn't be until summer.

     There IS a group of Medical Center people who until recently, if not
still, played/play GURPS, though I don't know names.  A grad student here,
in the Space Physics department, used to play with them, though I think
he hasn't been able to of late.  Try Christopher Owen Miller, who should
be reachable as com@spacsun.rice.edu.  If that bounces, try me again and
I'll get the real path.  He's inactive for now, as I said, but may have
some Medical Center leads.

     So, as I'm sad to say, we're all swamped at this end. I'm fairly new
to GURPS myself, though VERY interested in and pleased with the system.  I
also played AD&D v1 for several years, and dabbled in RuneQuest, though I
took a definite SF swing into Traveller and 2300 A.D. for several years.
Now I'm moving back towards fantasy gaming and wondering when I'll get up
the gumption to try refereeing again -- I'm considering my 'Virgilius'
campaign, set in a fantastic version of Late Republican Rome and inspired
by a medieval story cycle about the great enchanter Virgil (of Aeneid fame),
or a GURPS conversion of GDW's Victorian-science-fiction game Space:1889.
We'll see what pops out of the ol' fevered brain.
