I'm going to call the campaign Crown and Spaceship after the design of the
imperial seal. Those of you who have read The Mote in God's Eye may recall
this as, "crown and spaceship, eagle sickle and hammer," reflecting the
Empire's roots in the U.S. / U.S.S.R. Co-Dominium. At least, that's where
the fleet came from. The alternate timeline used will be the one in Mote.
There are references in the sequel (The Gripping Hand) to the collapse of
Soviet Russia. We will assume for our purposes that Gorbachev never came
to power and that Moscow came under the control of oligarchical pragmatists
who smartened up the economy without loosing control. Or whatever...it's not
that important, since by the time the campaign starts it's 1100 years in the
David Brandon / <dbrandon@politics.tamu.edu>